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How much time should there be between the consumption of zinc, sango and iron so that they do not interfere with each other?

With the nutrients iron, zinc and magnesium + calcium (sango coral), iron occupies a special position in terms of optimal consumption. Care should therefore be taken to ensure that it is not consumed at the same time as zinc and/or our sango coral. We suggest an interval of more than 30 minutes. We would generally recommend this between the consumption of the individual nutrients. The following approaches are therefore conceivable: Sango coral: in the morning on an empty stomach approx. 30 minutes before the first meal (with a sensitive stomach at mealtime)
Zinc: in the morning on an empty stomach approx. 30 minutes before the first meal (with a sensitive stomach at mealtime) with a time gap to Sango coral, in the evening shortly before going to bed directly on the edge of the bed (zinc can possibly cause nausea and so this would simply be 'slept through'. It is also assumed that zinc absorption is more optimal at night).
Iron: shortly before bedtime with a time gap to zinc, in the morning on an empty stomach before all other supplements and the first meal, between meals during the day.

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